Traveling photo exhibition inspired by our study

Save the date! Spaces of (dis)connection: Migrant essential workers, a traveling exhibition inspired by our study is coming to Birmingham, London, and Scotland! The exhibition is a result of an exciting collaboration with Centrala, an internationally renowned centre for Central and Eastern European art and artists. It features the work of 3 well-established visual artistsContinue reading “Traveling photo exhibition inspired by our study”

Our policy recommendations

Hot off the press! We are thrilled to share two sets of policy recommendations targeting the UK and Scottish governments and respective health authorities. We wish to thank Prof. Robert Gawłowski, our project partners, and other public and voluntary sector organisations for helping out in their development. We are officially launching the UK recommendations atContinue reading “Our policy recommendations”

Spin-off project funded by Scottish Government

Fantastic news! We have secured approx. £30K from the Scottish Government research grant scheme for a new spin-off project exploring the needs of Scotland’s migrant and minority ethnic communities under Covid-19. The project that you can read about HERE, will support building a fairer Scotland by providing policymakers with expertise about the service provision needsContinue reading “Spin-off project funded by Scottish Government”

Providing evidence at the Scottish Parliament

We are thrilled to report that our own Dr Paulina Trevena provided research evidence at the Scottish Parliament Covid-19 Recovery Committee on behalf of the project team. Paulina joined the committee meeting online on the 9th December to provide project insights and answer questions on the reasons behind vaccine hesitancy among the Polish community inContinue reading “Providing evidence at the Scottish Parliament”

Funding for spin-off project secured!

Brilliant news! We have secured £20K from the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account fund at the universities of Glasgow and Sheffield for an exciting spin-off project: a traveling art exhibition on migrant essential work in the UK. We are very pleased that our project partner – Alicja Kaczmarek from Centrala – will be curating the exhibition. WeContinue reading “Funding for spin-off project secured!”

Vaccine hesitancy among Polish migrant essential workers in the UK

In our recent guest blog for SPICe – the Scottish Parliament Information Centre – we focused on Polish essential workers in Scotland and their intentions to get vaccinated against Covid-19. In this blog, we look at the vaccine intentions for our entire sample and how it differs by age groups, gender, education level and sectorContinue reading “Vaccine hesitancy among Polish migrant essential workers in the UK”